Women in Dataviz
A vibrant community of women with a passion for data visualization.
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Virtual Coffee Breaks
Held every sixth Thursday morning in the EST time zone, Virtual Coffee Breaks are a casual networking event. Feel free to drop in and out as you need to during the hour, and stay for as little time or as long as you want.


Conversations with Women in Dataviz
Gain insights from industry experts and influential women through our guest speaker series and panel discussions.


Lightning Talks & Twitch Live Streams
Coming soon!
Learn more about us


Right before Tableau Conference 2022, I launched the Women in Dataviz Discord Server. I participated in a few different data-related online communities, but I still longed for something specifically about data visualization, specifically for individuals identifying as women. So I went about creating it. My intention was to create a tool-agnostic and inclusive space for women in data visualization, including developers, students, enthusiasts, and everyone in between, to network, share feedback, exchange tips and tricks, and socialize with one another. The timing was good. We gathered a couple dozen members right away, but I figured it would soon either fizzle out or the thirty or so of us would add a few people here and there. By September 2022, we had over 100 members! Along the way, I’ve collaborated with new people and made new friends. In co-moderator Allison Wright, I’ve found a real one, as she’d say — a true friend, kind, supportive, funny, and always down to help out with whatever hare-brained scheme I may have come up with this time. In October 2022, we moved the community from Discord to Slack to make it easier for more people to participate in a tool they're more familiar with. We've been growing ever since, with over 300 members in 2024. In December of 2024, I re-opened the Women in Dataviz Discord Server, and for the moment we are active on both platforms. — Nicole Mark

Mission statement

Women in Dataviz is a community of individuals who who are passionate about data visualization. We’re women and people who have felt othered based on our gender identity or gender expression. We welcome professional practitioners, students, and enthusiasts at all stages of life and career. We aim to surround our members with a supportive network of peers, mentors, and friends who see and value them for who they are, with the ultimate goal of increasing gender diversity and equity in technology and the world. Many thanks to Elisa Davis for helping to ensure that the language in our mission statement is as inclusive as we wanted it to be.